EL.MOTION drive technology
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The perfect solution for countless applications
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EL.MOTION drive technology

Clear technical challenges are currently emerging in the machinery and mechanical engineering sector: the need for modernization, simplification, and standardization. At the same time, there is also a demand for extreme flexibility and agile processes, i.e. fast turnaround times combined with great ability to adapt to ever changing requirements. These opposing demands are often faced by engineering departments that already tend to be overworked, frequently resulting in conflicting goals during implementation.

The drive of the future

Drive technology is an essential driving force in all production setups, so when it comes to reconciling the technical conditions with the day-to-day reality of the production environment, it plays a central role. This means that it is also high time to find answers and solutions to allow the electric linear and rotary actuator units to be adapted quickly, easily, and reliably. Erhardt+Leimer is tackling these challenges with its state-of-the-art drive concept EL.MOTION, which is setting new standards for Industry 4.0.

EL.MOTION for measurable optimizations

Der Antrieb für die Zukunft

Die Antriebstechnik als essenzielle Triebfeder jeder Produktion spielt bei der Vereinbarung der technischen Gegebenheiten mit der täglichen Produktionsrealität eine zentrale Rolle. Es ist daher höchste Zeit, Antworten und Lösungen für eine rasche, einfache und sichere Adaption der Antriebseinheiten zu finden. Erhardt+Leimer stellt sich mit seinem hochmodernen Antriebskonzept EL.MOTION dieser Herausforderung und setzt neue Maßstäbe für die Industrie 4.0.

EL.MOTION für messbare Optimierungen

More information & how to get in touch

Our brochures contain everything you need to know about our range of EL.MOTION products, including all the technical details and software features at a glance. Depending on your requirements, you can choose between a short and a more detailed version. We will also be very happy to assist you personally and help you finding the right motor for your application.

preview el.motion brochure
EL.MOTION Document

The EL.MOTION detailed brochure contains on 40 pages:

Detailed product portfolio

Extensive insight into commissioning & software features

In-depth technical data & dimension drawings

EL.MOTION Document

The EL.MOTION short brochure contains on 10 pages:

Overview of our product portfolio and key data

Main functions and features of EL.MOTION

Insights into optional upgrades

The perfect solution for countless applications

EL.MOTION drive technology is used in a wide range of industrial applications. Precise alignment of paper webs in the printing industry, reliable transportation of goods, and the movement of mobile platforms are just a few of the areas in which EL.MOTION motors are used. Here is a selection of the potential industries where this drive technology can be used: 


EL.MOTION products

The EL.MOTION drive system includes a wide selection of gearless synchronous drives. The product portfolio contains linear and rotary BLDC motors as well as options for upgrades with gearboxes and safety brakes.

Linear drives

The electric linear actuator units AG 72, AG 91, AG 93, and AG 96 are synchronous motors with an full integrated variable speed, motor position control and control dynamics. They are particularly well suited to long-term applications and are used e.g. with moving webs for web control at unwinding and rewinding stations.


AG 72

AG 91

AG 93

AG 96

Nominal actuating force

250 N

1000 N3000 N5500 N
Nominal actuating speed

60 mm/s

60 mm/s30 mm/s15 mm/s
Nominal actuating travel

± 6 to ± 50 mm

± 25 to ± 100 mm± 50 to ± 200 mm± 50 to ± 200 mm
Operating voltage

24 V DC

24 V DC24 V DC24 V DC
STONot availableVariant availableVariant availableVariant available

Link to AG 72Link to AG 91Link to AG 93Link to AG 96

AG 72

  • 250 N
  • 60 mm/s
  • ± 6 to ± 50 mm
  • 24 V DC



AG 91

  • 1000 N
  • 60 mm/s
  • ± 25 to ± 100 mm
  • 24 V DC
  • STO Variant available

AG 93

  • 3000 N
  • 30 mm/s
  • ± 50 to ± 200 mm
  • 24 V DC
  • STO Variant available

AG 96

  • 5500 N
  • 15 mm/s
  • ± 50 to ± 200 mm
  • 24 V DC
  • STO Variant available

Rotary drives

The rotary drive units AD 11, AD 12, and AD 14 are synchronous machines with a high power density. With stepless power adjustment, they can be used without a gearbox in many applications. High axial loads can also be handled without problems thanks to the additional support provided by a two-row angular ball bearing. As a result, the brushless drives can be connected directly – without a coupling – to a machine, which makes them very easy to integrate in existing production lines.

In addition, our electrical rotary actuator can also be supplied with optional upgrades such as brakes, planetary gearing, angular gears, or hollow-shaft gearboxes to ensure seamless integration in your application.


AD 11

AD 12

AD 14

Nominal torque

1.0 Nm

2.4 Nm4.0 Nm
Nominal speed

1000 rpm

350 rpm225 rpm
Resolution, multiturn encoder

12 bit/4096

12 bit/409612 bit/4096
Operating voltage

24 V DC

24 V DC24 V DC
STOVariant availableVariant availableIn preparation

Link to AD 11Link to AD 12Link to AD 14

AD 11

  • 1,0 Nm
  • 1000 rpm
  • 12 bit/4096
  • 24 V DC
  • STO Variant available

AD 12

  • 2,4 Nm
  • 350 rpm
  • 12 bit/4096
  • 24 V DC
  • STO Variant available

AD 14

  • 4,0 Nm
  • 225 rpm
  • 12 bit/4096
  • 24 V DC
  • STO in preparation

"With EL.MOTION, Erhardt+Leimer has embarked into a new era of drive technology – one that will enable us to completely reshape our approach in a way that will benefit not only our existing customers, but also new customers from many different industries in equal measure.

Thanks to our own in-house development of drives, we have been able to round off the product portfolio of Erhardt+Leimer and – thanks to our know-how in the areas of web monitoring and web visualization, web guiding, and drive technology – we can now offer complete solutions to equip the production lines of our customers – all from a single supplier."


Andreas Heindl

Product Manager Drive Technology

expert el.motion

Operating principle and potential upgrades


The pioneering innovation of EL.MOTION is that the previous BLDC machines in this performance class can now be replaced with synchronous machines. This opens up the ability to deliver the same highly dynamic performance and threw our brushless motor an excellent control capability we are familiar with from gearless drives in a much smaller package. Despite the small form factor, fully integrated power electronics with a voltage failure-safe encoder system are already integrated in the system. The motors can be commissioned and taken into operation using any browser via the web-based management tool. With a standard integrated Ethernet interface that supports Ethernet UDP, EtherNet/IP, and Profinet, all drives can be seamlessly integrated in existing production processes and are perfectly suited to Industry 4.0 concepts.

Area of use

The rotary and linear actuators can be used in industrial applications for position, speed, and torque control.


The BLDC drives are designed for flange mounting. Different gearbox variants and an emergency stop brake are available as options.

In the BLDC motor there is an integrated classic cascaded controller module comprising tourque, speed and position controllers. To ensure the highest possible efficiency, a vector control model with sinusoidal commutation is used. With the aid of an integrated multiturn encoder, the absolute rotor position can be transmitted via the communication data block to the customer's control system.

The majority of EL.MOTION actuating drives are also available as safe torque off (STO) variants. This safety feature, which is integrated in the drive and complies with EN 61800-5-2, switches off the motor torque by interrupting the control impulses.

Your advantages:

  • The two-channel architecture (channel A and channel B) of the STO module achieves Category 3 and Performance Level d in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1.
  • Safety for personnel and equipment
  • Fast response times
  • Web-based management is featured as standard on all drives.
  • Enables settings and status queries via Ethernet in any standard web browser
  • Open connectivity: access via EtherNet UDP or via certified standard protocols such as EtherNet/IP, Profinet, and POWERLINK.
  • Requires one IP address per drive in the network for integration
  • Parameterizable – with intuitive commissioning via web-based management
  • Comprehensive monitoring of all relevant parameters
  • Guided, simple commissioning process and optimization of drive applications take a matter of seconds
  • "One-click start" Automatic System Identification (ASI)
  • Automatic adaptation of parameters to optimize them for the application
  • Resonance detection keeps control settings at a safe distance from stability limits
  • High stability and quality in motion control


We have a number of optional upgrades available for our rotary drives that will make it even easier to integrate them in your application:

  • Planetary gearboxes
  • Angular gearboxes
  • Hollow shaft and solid shaft gearboxes
  • Modular safety braking system

Advantages of the EL.MOTION system

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