Quality is our commitment

Erhardt+Leimer specializes in the development, production, sales, and servicing of products for automation and inspection on moving webs and conveyors. Here, it is our commitment to ensure that everything is done to the highest quality standards – from the products themselves to delivery reliability and aftersales service, to ensure that we meet our responsibilities to our customers. This is also why we continuously broaden and refine our quality expectations.
Our certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 proves that we apply these quality and environmental management standards properly. Both systems are integral parts of the way we do things. This gives you the security of knowing you are working with a dependable partner you can rely on.
We believe in sustainability
In all our processes, we give high priority to protection of the environment, health protection, and safety in the workplace. Here, everything we do is based on the principle of sustainability, and – above and beyond complying with all applicable laws and regulations – we commit ourselves to continuously and systematically improving occupational health and safety as well as environmental protection within our company. We use carefully targeted measures to save resources, minimize emissions, and either avoid or recycle waste.
Below you can find an overview of a number of key acts of law relating to the environment. Further details about the relevance of each of these acts of law for our products can be found in the position statements we have made available for download.

The German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) sets out the putting on the market, returning to the manufacturer, and eco-friendly disposal of electrical and electronic equipment in Germany. It implements Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (WEEE Directive) in German national law. The purpose of this law is to avoid waste resulting from electrical and electronic equipment and to also make preparations for re-use, recycling, and other utilization of such waste so that the quantity of waste to be disposed of is reduced and the efficiency with which resources are used is improved.
Since August 15, 2018, ElektroG has been applicable to all electrical and electronic equipment. This applies to electrical and electronic equipment that is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields to work properly or that generates, transfers, or measures these currents and fields, and that is designed for use with a maximum voltage rating of 1,000 V or less for alternating current or 1,500 V or less for direct current.
The products from Erhardt+Leimer do not fall under the scope of the ElektroG act. Nevertheless, it is our aim to meet the environmental goals of this law.
The German act on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (ElektroStoffV) implements the European RoHS 2 Directive (Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council) in German law. The regulation sets out definitions for the restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic devices in order to contribute to the protection of human health and of the environment, including environmentally appropriate utilization and disposal of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment.
Since 21 July, 2019, the scope of ElektroStoffV has been generally widened to all electrical and electronic equipment. At the same time, substance restrictions also came into force for four further substances (DEHP, BBP, DBP, and DIBP).
Our products do not fall under the scope of the ElektroStoffV act. Nevertheless, it is our aim to meet the environmental goals of ElektroStoffV.
The European REACH Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006) contains regulations on the registration, evaluation, approval, and restriction of chemical substances.
Among other things, the regulation also defines requirements in relation to communication in the supply chain. Every supplier of a product that contains a substance listed on the REACH Candidate List in a concentration of more than 0.1% by weight (w/w) must provide the purchaser of the product with the available information; this information must be sufficient to enable safe use of the product.
The requirements defined above and beyond this in the REACH Regulation on the approval and restriction of substances in products are applicable if a substance has been added to Annex XIV or XVII of the Regulation.
Of course, it goes without saying that we meet all our obligations arising from the REACH Regulation.

Awarded by EcoVadis! What does that mean?
EcoVadis is an international assessment platform for sustainability in companies and supply chains with the aim of creating more transparency among business partners. Depending on the size, industry, and location of the company, different questions have to be answered in four categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.
Erhardt+Leimer undergoes this assessment process every year and was awarded the gold medal in 2024. This places us in the top 5 % of companies assessed by EcoVadis.