System information


A wide band sensor detects the current web position of the single faced corrugated board web. The position controller compares the target and actual value and outputs a corresponding corrective signal to the control roller, in order to regulate the web towards the web center. Skewed positioning of the control roll initiates a correction of the single faced corrugated board web.

Area of use

In the corrugated board system, on the bridge


On the bridge, directly after the loop storage



A = Web tension distribution at infeed | B = Web tension distribution at outfeed | K = Correction angle max. ±5° | σ1 = Basic web tension | σ2 = Tension distribution through swing movement of the roller frame at the infeed | σ3 = Tension distribution through swing movement of the roller frame at the outfeed | 1 = Pivot point | 2 = Infeed roller | 3 = Roller frame | 4 = Sensor | 5 = Fixing roller | LÜ = Transfer length | L1 = Infeed path | L2 = Outfeed path | AB = Operating width

Web guiding systems

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System components

Infrarot-Breitbandsensor FE 45

Digitaler Infrarot-Breitbandsensor für Bahnmitten-, Bahnkantenerfassung und Breitenmessung mit einem Röhrenabstand (Lichte Weite) von 80 mm

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Daten-Netzwerkzentrale DN 10

E+L-Computer für kundenspezifische Software, dient u.a. als Bindeglied zwischen kundenseitiger Bediener-Hardware und dem E+L System-Netzwerk.

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