The E+L Configurator: Watch your ideas become reality!

No more off-the-shelf products! We know how diverse and varied the requirements for web guiding and web tension control products can be. That is why we offer our customers the best possible support with the E+L Configurator to help them quickly find the right product for their needs. True to the motto

Customize – Visualize – Realize

it only takes a few clicks from the idea to the preview of your customized solution to the final order.

Our products - your configuration

  • Selection of various sizes depending on the required material width and installation situation
  • Brushless drive technology for maximum control precision and dynamic regulation
  • Configuration of the web guiding system for different control methods
  • Compatible with suitable sensor types for detecting the incoming web
  • Freely selectable roller surfaces suited to the application and web material
  • Commissioning and service via web-based management using any standard browser
  • Networking with machine control system via integrated certified field/industrial bus interfaces
  • System operation possible via various control devices
  • Free choice of the required operating voltage, suited for integration into the customer's system
  • Various lengths of connection or network cables for electrical installation
  • Individually configurable for any industrial application
  • Type and measuring range of the load cells are optimally dimensioned according to the requirements
  • Accessories such as connection cables, mounting adapters and ball bearings are offered
  • Choice between analog and digital measuring amplifiers
  • Installation options for the measuring amplifier or measurement display in control cabinets, control panels or directly on the machine
  • Connection to customer control systems can be made via analog signals or via Ethernet interface with various protocols

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Your benefits

How to use the configurator

Step 1: Choose the product and sign in

The following products can currently be configured:

ELGUIDER web guiding system with compact guider DRB14, DRB23, DRB25 ELGUIDER web guiding system with compact guider DRB14, DRB23, DRB25
ELTENS web tension measurement and control system PD 21, PD 22, PD 23, PD 24, PD 25, PD 26 ELTENS web tension measurement and control system PD 21, PD 22, PD 23, PD 24, PD 25, PD 26

To be able to configure a product, you need an active MY E+L account. Log in or register now. You can then start with your configuration.


Step 2: Product configuration

How to configure a product

Configure product according to individual requirements

Start with the configuration in the first tab ‘Step 1’ and insert all the desired settings in the following tabs one after the other. For some features, information fields are available to explain the respective feature in more detail. We also support you with warning messages if parameters cannot be combined with previous settings. At the same time, your exact configuration is always displayed in the 3D view. You can zoom into the configuration as required and rotate it to have a look at it from all sides. 

Checking the configuration

All configured parameters are listed under ‘Summary’. You can check all settings again here.

Optional information for CAD data

In the last tab, ‘Optional data’, it is possible to store information that will appear on your CAD data. You can fill this with your project data if needed.


Step 3: Receive a quote or submit an order

Configurator Checkout

Once your configuration is complete, you can add it to the shopping cart by clicking on the button below the configurator. Then navigate to the shopping cart to calculate your price for your configuration. You can now generate a quote or submit your order.

Once you have ordered the product, it will be produced according to your individual configuration settings. You will receive an order confirmation by e-mail with all the configuration details and delivery information stortly after placing the order. You can also view the current order status in your shop account as usual.

Step 4: Generating CAD files

CAD Data generation

Subsequently, you can request your CAD data for download in the quotation or on your order overview page. This may take a few minutes. 

Do you need support?

Do you have any questions when configuring your product or need support from one of our product experts?

Simply use the chat window at the bottom right of the configuration page. Here you will find helpful answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you need further help, you can also leave your contact details and your request and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Not a webshop user yet?


With your personal MY E+L webshop account, we offer you a 360° experience - from searching for products and selecting the right components, through to quotations and orders. You can also access our new configurator and customise our products to suit your needs. In addition, once you have placed your order, you will have access to features that allow you to track your orders and manage order-related documents. 

Whether you need help setting up your account, finding the right parts or using the various features, our digital sales experts or your personal sales contact will be happy to assist you by email or phone. Our Digital Sales team can also provide webinar training tailored to your specific needs and questions.

Click here for more information.

Don´t miss any news about the E+L configurator

To be continued: We are constantly working on further developing the E+L Configurator, providing new helpful functions and making more products configurable for you. Don't miss any news about the configurator and stay up to date with our news!

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